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Navigating the organic labelling standards in Australia – Part 1

By 29/07/2013April 13th, 2017No Comments

The organic labelling standards in Australia are open to all sorts of interpretation.Contains more than 95% certified organic ingredients.

You can call just about anything Organic and get away with it.

Not all Organics are Created Equal

guidelines for cosmetic shoppingAt the moment the word ‘organic’ can appear on the label of any skin and body care product so long as it contains as little as 5% organic ingredients. The rest of the formula can be any sort of chemical cocktail. Petroleum derived substances like Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS), propylene glycol, and parabens are the most common ingredients in skin and body care products. In particular:

  • acne
  • eczema
  • dermatitis; and
  • psorasis

have all shown to be caused by exposure to these compounds.

In addition it has been shown that accumulation of these chemicals in the body also act as hormone disruptors leading to other health conditions. We all know that over half of what we put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies. Take a look at the products you use daily on your skin and see if you can understand what any of the ingredients are.

To know if you’re buying the safest and purest skin or body care product, look for one that says certified organic on the label. For a product to claim this status it must contain over 95% certified organic ingredients. The other 5% must be of natural origin, in other words no ingredient can be derived using a chemical process.

Any product claiming to be certified organic must also be endorsed by a Certification Body.

In Australia our most reputable Organic Certifiers are the:

Australian Certified Organic and Biological Farmers of Australia Logos

Australian Certified Organic (ACO) and Biological Farmer’s Association (BFA)

National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA)

National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA)

The Organic Food Chain (OFC)

The Organic Food Chain (OFC)

Producing a Certified Organic product is more than making something that is chemical free. It has to do with how it is grown, harvested, stored and manufactured. To buy certified organic products when ever possible means you are making a difference not only to your own health but the health of the whole World.

Click here to see part 2, Understanding Organic Certifications.

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