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Skin Conditions

Feeling Good, Looking Great. How moods can effect your skin.

By 26/04/2014June 30th, 2015No Comments

How moods and emotions can effect your skin complexion and hair through stress

It’s true, your moods are written all over your face. Pimples. Limp hair. Bloating. Not looking your best can definitely put a damper on your mood.

However, research indicates our attitudes could be the underlying cause of these annoying flaws in the first place.

How do your moods effect your skin?

It’s comes down to stress. Or more accurately, stressful situations.

Stress causes inflammation, breaks down collagen and heightens hormones such as cortisol. Which in turn inflames acne, adds additional wrinkles and compromises immune function.

Fortunately, not all stress is negative. “Eustress” is the term used for good stress (and yes, there really is ‘good stress’). Eustress provides the body with motivation and encourages improved performance. Without a little pressure to provide focus, life can become mundane and your general performance lacks that oomph.

Negative stress is defined as “Distress” and we all know that one. Everyday distress can include interacting with clients and colleagues at work, difficult kids and even losing your keys to name a few. It is these circumstances, the hassles of daily life, that can be the most detrimental to your skin’s health.

Why does facilitating stress manage your skin?

Stress is a fact of life and how you manage it matters. It is important to realise many skin conditions are often triggered or worsened by nothing more than stressful situations, particularly in the case of adult-onset acne.

Trying to relax can often be of great benefit, both to relieving stress and creating a better mindset.

Try deep breathing

Stress relief and management techniques, correct deep breathing methods to increase oxygen.A very simple, yet effective, technique for coping is to breath deeply. During times of excessive stress our breathing often becomes shallow. When you are breathing correctly your diaphragm is engaged. However, if your breathing is shallow, secondary respiratory muscles are often used instead. This leads to poor oxygen levels, which cause fatigue, tense muscles and metabolic waste build-up in tissues.

Consider using an essential oil, such as chamomile, lavender or neroli to help with good inhalation. Noone wants to smell that pizza your co-worker had for lunch. It is important to note that essential oils can have a powerful effect when interpreted by the brain. So make sure your oil blend elicits a calm, serene response, rather than a lively atmosphere. Which leads us to your environment.

Try changing your surroundings

The ambience of your surroundings should be as soothing as possible. Calming music can make the world of difference during a stressful period. Put that pump-me-up music away for later.

Try Massage or Reflexology

Touch, particularly in the form of massage has a positive effect on stress reduction and calming the nervous system. Stress hormones such as cortisol are reduced, along with pain, and immune function is improved. Massage in the form of lymphatic drainage is not only beneficial for relaxation, but also in aiding the elimination of toxins and increasing blood flow throughout your body. This helps nutrients and oxygen flow to the skin.

Reflexology, even if only for a short period, can make a big difference to the nervous system as well.Perceived stressful situations effect what’s going on inside our bodies. Emotions, feelings and thoughts.

The Mind-Body Connection

No matter if a stressful situation is real or perceived, the body and mind react and the symptoms that result are genuine. Emotions, feelings and thoughts both reflect and affect what’s going on inside our bodies.

So take a deep breath, calm down and embrace a positive mindset to look as good as you feel.

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